Mark Littell, professional baseball player and coach for more than 30 years, inventor of the NuttyBuddy™, patented, premier athletic protective cup.
Mark was born and raised in Gideon, Missouri, a small town of 800 known for soybeans, water moccasins and the New Madrid earthquake fault. In 1971, fresh out of high school, he signed with the Kansas City Royals playing with them until he was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals in 1982, the year he received his World Series ring. Mark began coaching in 1988, as the Coach In Residence for Australia's Bi-Centennial. Then he moved to the San Diego Padres in 1989. He was with the Milwaukee Brewer's from 1992 to 1996, the Kansas City Royals from 1997 to 1998 and the Los Angeles Dodgers for the 1999 season. Mark joined the Milwaukee Brewer's in 2000 and continues to coach the game he loves so much.
As a coach, Mark’s mission was to help players hone their skills and play their best. His entrepreneurial side took over when he learned that nearly 50% of his athletes refused to wear athletic cups because they felt the cups were uncomfortable or restrictive. Starting with a blank sheet of paper, he worked with Industrial Designer, Dosun Shin, to invent The NuttyBuddy™ patented, premier athletic protective cup.
The NuttyBuddy protective athletic cup is unlike any other. It’s award- winning, patented design is anatomically shaped to conform to the male body, providing never-seen-before- levels of comfort and protection.
As Mark Littell says, “It’s all about… protecting the boys.”
P.S. Did you know... Our fearless leader is also is an author and has written three books? Check them out - Ramrod Books